Crystal Metaverse

By the year 5000, the Earth's resources will be increasingly depleted and humanity is on the verge of doom. Humans begin their journey into space by discovering new resources and energies to sustain life.

With the progressed development of technology, Human have invented the modern machines that use the infinite resources of the universe with primitive crystals and minerals. The extraction of these crystals and minerals requires modern machinery and high technology, which has fueled the tremendous growth of this industry. Accordingly, many new companies sprung up “like mushrooms”, many companies flourished with huge profits from mining.

It seemed that everything was easy and favorable, but also participating in those mining wars, humans encountered monsters and robots’ armies from another planet. This will bring a lot of challenges and difficulties to humans...

Let's challenge yourself, join the adventure in fierce battles of survival, conquer the crystals with Crystal Metaverse !!!

Crystal Metaverse is a Play-to-earn Third-person shooter NFT game. Crystal Metaverse also employs the Play-to-Earn model to reward players with tokens and equipment through dynamic gameplay and the participation in PvP tournaments. With this seamless combination of the DeFi and P2E models, Crystal Metaverse gives players the opportunity to play and earn rewards at the same time.

Play to Earn!

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